Bhaktapur is an ancient city located in east if the Kathmandu. The word Bhaktapur literally means the Places of Devotes. It has many names through which people calls like, Bhaktapur is knew as ‘Bhadagon’, ‘khwopa’. Bhaktapur is locating in khwopa (Bhaktapur) district in the Bagmati zone. It is divid into 10 wards administratively. Bhaktapur has the best preserve palace. It is old city of Nepal. Khwopa was list as world Heritage site by UNESCO for its rich culture, temples, and woods. For this, it is support by German fund name Bhaktapur Development Project (BDP). This city is Specially famous for Dahi (curd) which is prepare from milk. It is said that the taste of curd find in this region which are made by local peoples of khwopa are not find anywhere else.
Bhaktapur was the capital city of Nepal during ‘Malla Kingdom’. After second half century of 15th century only it became a separate city except capital city. It has a population of 81,728. Here are mainly the Newa communities. Vast majority are still Newars than other city like Patan, Kathmandu. Bhaktapur has different form of language than other cities. The city is full of pagoda and shrines.
It was find in 12th century by King Ananda Malla. Bhaktapur consists of beautiful and great palace which is known as Bhaktapur Durbar square. It was a palace where king use to stay and make the unity. The last three rulers of khwopa were Jitaitra Malla, Ranjit Malla and Bhupatindra Malla. The city was independent kingdom til 18th century. Those last rulers played key roles for temples and Durbar square of Bhaktapur.
Geography and climate
Bhaktapur has feature of warm temperature. It is its prominent feature. The temperature ranges from average 2-35 degree Celsius. Summer occurs from Chaitra to Asojh. The winter begins from Asojh to Falgun and remaining months begins with spring. The average rainfall record in khwopa is 56millilitres. Main agriculture production in this region is maize, wheat, paddy, barley, millet, cauliflower, citrus, peas, guava, pears, pumpkin, cucumber, etc. 60% of population depends here in tourism.
Best Time to Visit
The Best time to visit Bhaktapur is in spring (March to April) and in autumn (October to November). Temperature in this time ranges from 20-25 degree Celsius. The sky is very clear, fantastic view of mountain can be view. In winter, it can be cold. Temperature ranges from 2-15 degree Celsius in winter (November to February).
Places of Interest to Visit Bhaktapur
Bhaktapur Durbar Square
It is known by ‘Devanagari’. Bhaktapur durbar square is a royal palace of Bhaktapur old kingdom. Durbar square is UNESCO world heritage site. This complex consists of four squares (Durbar square, Taumadhi Square, Dattatreya Square, and Pottery Square). This site is highly visited site in Kathmandu valley. The major attractions of this durbar square are: 55 Window Palace, Vatsala Temple, Statue of Bhupatindra Malla, Nyatapola Temple, Bhairava Nath Temple, Golden Gate, Mini Pashupatinath, Lion’s gate, etc. 55 Window Palace was constructed by King Jitamitra Malla. Originally there were 99 courtyards, few buildings remains now due to earthquake.
Nyatapola temple is mostly recognized by 5-roof temple. It is Pagoda style temple. This temple is temple of Siddhi Lakshmi, who work index of Nyatapola temple. It was build by King Bhupatindra Malla in 7 months of 1702 and 1703. Dashain is festival celebrate here in this temple.
Culture in Bhaktapur
Bhaktapur city is know as city of festivals. The city celebrates festival in each month’s starting from New Year (Bisket Jatra) to the end festival Holi. People with Newari culture area living here from ancient period. People follow Hindu and Buddhist religion here. Festivals like Gai Jatra, Bisket Jatra, Kumar Khasti, Dashain, etc.
Hotels in Bhaktapur
There are various types of hotels and lodges provided for accommodation with certain price. Some famous hotels are:
- Bhadagon Guest House
- Sweet Home Bhaktapur
- Hotel Layaku Durbar