Camping Trekking in Nepal
Camping trekking in Nepal is the well-known style of organized trekking. Camping trekking in which all necessary logistic and accommodation service is arranged by the trekking team themselves. Camping treks needs all camping equipment along with food and tents to carry by the crew member themselves. Sleeping in the tents and eating the foods prepare by the trekking cook is served during the trekking.
Camping trekking is compulsory if you are trekking in the remote part of the Himalayas where no tea houses and lodges are available to eat and sleep. To explore the untouched by modern civilization, no politics and they have a quite happy life with their distinctive culture and traditional that might be very interesting & unique to observe for foreigners.
All your arrangement in camping trekking is settle by our experienced and professional trekking crew members. Strong and experienced porters carry all the goods of eating and camping with your personal equipment.
A Typical day on the Camping trek in Nepal
Camping trekking to the remote part of the hills and mountain starts around 6am in the morning with a cup of hot tea/coffee prepare by our trekking cook. You will served with the pot of hot water to wash your face and brush your teeth. Breakfast with milk, bread, Omelet and fruits will be served. After having the breakfast, crew members will pack up the tents and luggage. Once all the arrangement completes, our trekking team will moves for the next camp. The porters are slower and cook crews (Sherpas) rush ahead to prepare lunch, which should then be ready when the groups arrive at around 11:00- 12:00 o’clock. Afternoon trek end about 3pm when you round ahead to discover your tents already set up by Sherpas in a field near village. The kitchen crew again prepares tea coffee; biscuits will be available in the camp. As we often camp near villages a trip to the local inn can provide some light entertainment. Later on, you have free choice to read book or explore surrounding area. The food provided is a combination of western and local cuisine by around 6 pm. The cooks and kitchen staff are fully trained to the highest standard so hygiene. In the evening all staffs makes fun by singing and dancing in the groups. After that around 8 pm most trekkers turn to their tents to enjoy a sound sleep.
Why Camping Trekking in Nepal?
To explore the remote and isolated part of Nepal, we need our self-arrangement. On the popular trekking routes like Everest, Annapurna, Langtang, and Manaslu area, there are plenty of lodges for food and accommodation but trekking besides these routes still needs self-arrangement. So this type of camping trekking in Nepal is still compulsory. Trekking destinations like Upper Dolpo, Kanchenjunga Base Camp, Makalu, Panch Pokhari, Bhairab Kunda, Ganesh Himal, Lumba Sumba, Gaurishankar, Rolwaling, Damodar kunda, and Tsum Valley are popular for camping trekking.
For the adventure seekers who love the remote and wilderness experience, camping trekking is the best.

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