It is ninth national park of Nepal. It was established in 2002. Shivapuri Nagarjun National Park has two islands of forest named Shivapur and Nagarjun. Shivapuri Nagarjun National Park has three sectors of offices viz. The park area is cover by huge population. The importance of National Park are Biodiversity conservation, Drinking water supply, watershed management, environmental sustainability. It is very close from the Kathmandu valley. Shivapuri Mountain (2732m) lies in this region. The hike inside the park is perfect and very new experience to new hikers. This park is very close to natural beauties. The park is very rich in biodiversity.Geographically Shivapuri forest located within 27°45′ to 27°52′ N latitude and 85°16′ to 85°45′ E longitude and Nagarjun forest is located within 27°43′ to 27°46′ N latitude and 85°13′ to 85°18′ E longitude.
Location of Shivapuri Nagarjun National Park
Shivapuri national park is situate in the North side of the Kathmandu valley. It lies in the Mid-hill. National Park covers an area of 159 square km. Park lies in Kathmandu, Nagarkot and Sindupalchwok district with 23 Village development committees. The protected area extends to Dhading district.
The park is located in subtropical and temperate climate. Temperature varies from winter season to summer season.
As same there are four seasons; summer, winter, autumn and spring.
Flora and Fauna
318 species of bird are record including eagle, owl, dove etc. Botanists have recorded 129 species of mushrooms, 2122 species of floras. Indian Leopard,, jungle cat, Himalayan black bear, Himalayan goral, barking deer, wild boar, leopard cat, black rat etc. are find. Oak and chirr pine trees are in forest. Rhododendron is found in northern part.
The park has birds including 117 migratory birds are white backed vulture, Himalayan griffon, black vulture, beard vulture, dark kite, hen harrier, goshawk, sparrow hawk, sikhra, common buzzard, Asian black eagle, steppe eagle, magpies, kalij pheasant, leafbirds, etc. King cobra, green pit viper, rat snake, skink, lizards, geckos are common reptiles found in SNNP. Frogs and toads are common amphibians. The park has 102 species of moths and butterflies.
The common vegetation include Schimawallichi, Quercus lanuginose, Rhododendron arboreum, Juglansregia, Taxuswallichiana etc.
SNNP has four major forest types viz.
(i) Lower mixed hardwood forests,
(ii) Chirpine forests,
(iii) Oak forests and
(iv) Upper mixed hardwood forests.
Activity in Shivapuri Nagarjun National Park
- Hiking
- Trekking
- Mountain adventure
- Budget Trekking
How to reach Shivapuri Nagarjun National Park?
We can be there by bus which is the easiest through of transportation. It is very near from Kathmandu valley. The distance between Kathmandu and Shivapuri national park is 10.9 km. It takes around 22 min to travel Shivapuri National park from kathmandu.