Chitwan National Park was established in 1973 and enlisted in 1984 on world heritage sites. It covers an area of 952.63 km 2 with subtropical inner terai lower lands. It lies between 27°16.56’- 27°42.14’ Latitudes and 83°50.23’-84°46.25’ Longitudes. The altitude ranges from 110m to 850m above sea level. As national park it conserves mammals, birds and fauna. We can also find one horned rhino. Chitwan national park is also home of 68 mammal species, 543 species of bird and 700 species of fauna. As it is located in terai region. Here you can find habitation of Tharu, Nepali, Newari, Tamang, Magar, Gurung, Darai, Magar, Chepang and etc. Here you can learn the vegetation and history also culture. It is best place to visit wildlife of Asia.
Flora and fauna
Chitwan national park is formed tropical and subtropical forests. In the park 70 percent of area are forest. On northern slopes sal has covered with smaller flowering tree and shrub species such as Beleric (Terminalia bellirica), Rosewood (Dalbergia sissoo), Axlewood (Anogeissus latifolia), Elephant Apple (Dillenia indica), Grey Downy Balsam (Garuga pinnata). While 20 percent of the park is grassland. Where we can find more than 50 specie of grass. including of the world’s tallest grasses like the elephant grass called Saccharum ravennae.
Chitwan national park is habitation 68 mammal species, 543 species of bird and 700 species of fauna. It is home of endangers fauna. Some of them are One-horned rhinoceros, Royal Bengal tiger, Wild elelphant, Pangolin, Fourhorned antelope, Golden monitor lizard, Python,Bengal florican. Lesser florican, ,Giant hornbill, While stork, etc. .
Jungle Safari
Jungle safari is one of the most popular activities in chitwan national park. As you have chance to see green forest, wildlife, flat landscape of Nepal and many more. It is also one of easy tour in nepal. It is suitable for every age. In jungle safari you can have elephant or jeep. In this jungle he safari you are going to explore inside of national park.
Buffer zone
In 1996 some of areas of the parks separated as buffer zone. An area of 750 km2 are the buffer zone including some including some fertile land and some forest. The buffer zone contains a Ramsar Site – Beeshazari Lakes. Where locals people and the parks helps to manage natural resources and develop community in buffer zone. Where government had made provision to provide 20 – 30 percent of revenue to local people for community development in buffer zone.